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黒麹チョコレートミニバー TOTONOI Chocolate-KUROKOJI small bars

黒麹チョコレートミニバー TOTONOI Chocolate-KUROKOJI small bars

通常価格 ¥1,296 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥1,296 JPY
セール 売り切れ

 <Product Name>
TOTONOI Chocolate-KUROKOJI small bars

<Cacao Percentage>
Contains 22g bars

<Origin of Cacao>
criollo hybrid/Venezuela

cocoa mass/sugar cane/ KURO KOJI

<About overseas shipping>
Delivered between 10 and 14days.
Please contact me if you have any questions.





カリブ海に面した渓谷にあるパタネモ村原産の木で、品種はクリオージョ・ハイブリッド。世界の生産量の15%に満たない希少な品種です。シナモンやナツメグのような甘い香辛料の 香りと、りんごやマスカットのようなクリアな酸味が特徴です。

商品名 : 【黒麹チョコレートミニバー】ダークチョコレート77%
原材料名 : カカオ豆
内容量 : 22g



栄養成分表示 (100g当たりの推定値)  /  Nutritional Facts

  • エネルギー    525.7Kcal

  • たんぱく質     6.52g

  • 脂質     32.4g

  • 炭水化物     52.8g

  • 食塩相当量     0.019g
    Salt Equivalent

  • カカオポリフェノール     2.66g
    Cocoa Polyphenols

<About KOJI>
Koji is made by adding Koji mold to rice and fermenting it for 48 hours.
Koji has been used in Japan since ancient times, mainly as an ingredient for sake, miso, soy sauce, and mirin, etc.
Unlike the Koji used for sake and miso, etc., the black Koji used to make this chocolate produces citric acid, so it has a mildly acidic flavor.
We used this acidity to make Koji with a fruitiness like sour berries, and sprinkled it over chocolate as a topping, so that its springy texture and the impact of the acidity is experienced bit by bit, producing a sense of excitement that you cannot imagine what flavor you will taste next.
Please enjoy this fusion of traditional Japanese food culture and fermentation.
